Exploring Benefits Lingo | Benefits Collaborative

We all know how confusing and complex benefits and healthcare terms can be- the difference between deductible and co-insurance is a common question for many and there are plenty of others like it.  When you are comfortable and confident in how your plan works, you can make an informed decision on HOW to use and … Continued

Exploring Disability Insurance|Benefits Collaborative

Disability insurance provides the financial security needed by yourself and those who depend on you. In these uncertain times, having a backup plan in place will give you the confidence that an unforeseen illness or injury will not deplete your bank accounts while you get back on your feet. Check into disability insurance plans at … Continued

Pet Insurance | Benefits Collaborative

We’ve all heard the saying “A dog is a man’s best friend” and we know it’s true! Pets give us unconditional love, companionship, and joy. But, are we willing to pay the price when a hefty vet bill comes along? Pet insurance may help you stomach that unexpected emergency room charge due to Fluffy’s uncanny … Continued
