The Attitude of Gratitude | Benefits Collaborative

You may have heard the saying attitude of gratitude.  It’s a great little rhyme to remind us to  live a life of gratitude – and practice it!  When we practice being thankful on a regular basis, it not only impacts our mental and physical health, but those around you as well. The Definition of Gratitude … Continued

Financial Fitness for the New Year | Benefits Collaborative

It’s often thought that having money leads to happiness.  While that’s not necessarily true, being financially secure does create a sense of well-being which impacts your mental and physical health.  To address our whole health in 2023, we need to understand the relationship between financial and physical wellness. Inflation, at 7.1%, has made financial stress … Continued

What is Mental Health and Wellness in HR? | Benefits Collaborative

Mental health and wellness in HR are becoming top priorities for employers. In fact, HR leaders named mental health and wellbeing as their third biggest problem, behind the labor shortage and retaining talent, in the latest HR Exchange Network State of HR report. In addition, those surveyed also said burnout was the top consequence of the … Continued

Exploring Vision Insurance | Benefits Collaborative

According to WebMD, the eyes are the most highly developed sensory organs in your body. They report that more of your brain is dedicated to the sense of sight than to all of the other senses combined. So, it makes sense that you would do all that you can to protect and care for these … Continued

Vaping in the Workplace

The health of our businesses during these uncertain times may be called “sickly” but the health of your employees and your bottom line doesn’t have to be. While we know cigarettes are a danger to your health, we are just now learning the risks associated with vaping.  This trendy new method of nicotine delivery may … Continued

CBD: Fact or Fiction? | Virginia Benefits Group

The cannabidiol (CBD) market in the United States has taken off like a rocket. Some projections have this market reaching $16 billion by 2025. After years of singing its praises for treating, albeit illegally, a myriad of health issues, supporters of cannabis have seen an uptick of mainstream support in the last 2 years with … Continued

Diabetes Education and Prevention | Benefits Collaborative

Diabetes is a long-lasting health condition that affects how your body converts food to energy. Diabetes patients are unable to make enough of the hormone called insulin or cannot use the insulin that is made in their body efficiently.  When this happens, your body can respond in some serious ways that include liver damage, heart … Continued
